The Koh Family

Hesung Chun Koh and Kwang Lim Koh FOR KOH FAMILY  PUBLICITY.jpg

Since moving to New Haven in 1961, the Koh Family has made monumental contributions in the fields of international relations, health and human rights. As South Korean natives, the late Kwang Lim Koh and his wife, 89-year-old Dr. Hesung Chun Koh, dedicated their lives to inspiring cross-cultural exchange, Kwang Lim as former South Korean Ambassador to the U.S. and Professor and Director of the Center for Area and Interdisciplinary Studies at CCSU, Hesung Chun as Co-Founder, Chair and President Emerita of East Rock Institute, the first U.S. institution dedicated to Korean Diaspora culture. Their six accomplished children include: Dr. Howard Kyongju Koh, the Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Kennedy School, is a former Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health; Harold Hongju Koh, Sterling Professor of International Law and former Dean at Yale Law School, and former Legal Adviser and Assistant Secretary for Human Rights at the U.S. Dept. of State, is a leading expert in public and private international law, national security law and human rights; and Jean Kyongun Koh Petersthe Sol Goldman Clinical Professor of Law at Yale Law School and an expert in children, families and the law.